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Whether at home, on the road or at work: every day we use products that make our lives easier or more beautiful. But do these products also make your back easier? Discover all back friendly products with the "AGR- seal of approval" of the Healthy Back Campaign. Just click through - you will be surprised!

Lifting tables

Lifting tables as appropriate ergonomic workplace equipment on the commercial sector

Many activities on the industrial and commercial sectors are associated with constantly lifting and moving loads, often resulting in extreme strains and stresses for the back and spinal column.

Companies meanwhile are increasingly tending to use lifting tables as a preventive aid in the interests of ergonomic workflows while also drastically reducing back problems, as well as improving occupational safety aspects.

Although the use of lifting tables is constantly on the increase, at present they are still inadequately known and used. More clarification is urgently needed.

Enhanced performance rates thanks to back-friendly work posture

A good lifting table must do more than just bring the loads to the ergonomically best working height. Important details including easy handling, simple adjustment, adapted platform sizes, foot clearance etc. are vital in the interests of a back-friendly working position.

Loading and unloading is facilitated, operators can conserve their strength; signs of fatigue are even reduced while boosting performance levels. Flexible deployment possibilities through mobile solutions with troublefree integration at any workplace mean that lifting tables can be adapted to the specific working conditions.


  • The table must have fully variable height adjustment. This is crucial for adjusting the working height individually to body size: flat lifting table up to min. 75 cm, lifting table for installation work up to approx. 120 cm. The structural height of the lowered lifting table may not exceed 10 cm, so that high items on the table can still be reached in a back-friendly fashion.
  • The table must have the right platform size. For flat lifting tables, it should be adjusted to the pallet size mainly used in the workplace (e.g. 120 x 80 cm). The platform height of lifting tables for installation work depends on the requirements of the specific workplace.
  • Peripheral foot clearance is necessary when the platform is raised to get close enough to the items on the table.
  • Time-saving, easy operation of the units must be possible without any problems. Constant lifting and lowering times are necessary across the whole range of the unit.
  • Besides stationary use, mobile versions are also appropriate to take account of changing work conditions and places.
  • The working platform must be flexible, because it is easier to remove or position the load on the lifting table if it can be tilted and turned.

The table must have the right platform size. For flat lifting tables, it should be adjusted to the pallet size mainly used in the workplace (e.g. 120 x 80 cm). The platform height of lifting tables for installation work depends on the requirements of the specific workplace.

Peripheral foot clearance is necessary when the platform is raised to get close enough to the items on the table.

Time-saving, easy operation of the units must be possible without any problems. Constant lifting and lowering times are necessary across the whole range of the unit.

Besides stationary use, mobile versions are also appropriate to take account of changing work conditions and places.

The working platform must be flexible, because it is easier to remove or position the load on the lifting table if it can be tilted and turned.The table must have fully variable height adjustment. This is crucial for adjusting the working height individually to body size: flat lifting table up to min. 75 cm, lifting table for installation work up to approx. 120 cm. The structural height of the lowered lifting table may not exceed 10 cm, so that high items on the table can still be reached in a back-friendly fashion.

The table must have the right platform size. For flat lifting tables, it should be adjusted to the pallet size mainly used in the workplace (e.g. 120 x 80 cm). The platform height of lifting tables for installation work depends on the requirements of the specific workplace.

Peripheral foot clearance is necessary when the platform is raised to get close enough to the items on the table.

Time-saving, easy operation of the units must be possible without any problems. Constant lifting and lowering times are necessary across the whole range of the unit.

Besides stationary use, mobile versions are also appropriate to take account of changing work conditions and places.

The working platform must be flexible, because it is easier to remove or position the load on the lifting table if it can be tilted and turned.·        
Der Tisch muss über eine stufenlose Höhenverstellung verfügen. Die ist zwingend erforderlich, damit die Arbeitshöhe individuell an die Körpergröße anpassbar ist: Flachformhubtisch bis mindestens 75 cm, Montagehubtisch bis circa 120 cm. Um auch hohe Gegenstände, die sich auf dem Tisch befinden, noch rückengerecht erreichen zu können, darf die Bauhöhe des abgesenkten Hubtisches 10 cm nicht überschreiten.

·         Der Tisch muss die richtige Plattengröße haben. Beim Flachformhubtisch soll sie der am Arbeitsplatz überwiegend verwendeten Palettengröße (z. B. 120 x 80 cm) angepasst sein. Bei Montagetischen orientiert sich die Plattengröße an den Anforderungen des jeweiligen Arbeitsplatzes.

·         Eine umlaufende Fußraumfreiheit ist bei einer angehobenen Plattform erforderlich, um dicht genug an die auf dem Tisch befindlichen Gegenstände herantreten zu können.

·         Die Arbeitsplattform muss flexibel sein, denn die Neigbarkeit und Drehbarkeit der auf dem Hubtisch befindlichen Last erleichtern die Entnahme bzw. die Beladung.

·         Die Bedienung muss einfach, problemlos und zeitökonomisch erfolgen können. Gleichmäßige Hub- und Senkzeiten über den ganzen Weg sind erforderlich.

·         Neben einer stationären Einsatzmöglichkeit sind mobile Varianten sinnvoll, um wechselnden Arbeitsbedingungen und Arbeitsstandorten gerecht zu werden.

Minimum requirements

  • Fully variable height adjustment
  • Structural height of no more than 10 cm
  • Correct platform size
  • Peripheral foot clearance
  • Easy to use

Also appropriate

  • Possibility of tilting the load on the lifting table
  • Possibility of turning the load on the lifting table
  • Mobility
  • Other options according to workplace demands

Products in this sector with the AGR seal of approval

    None at present

    Further information

    Qualified analysis of the workplace is necessary in advance in order to decide which equipment is needed.

    Additional processes may be appropriate, with individuals obtaining qualified advice from workplace specialists such as occupational physicians, physiotherapists or also attending a back school in order to learn and improve back-friendly behaviour (e.g. how to lift and carry things correctly).

    As a basic rule: the best chances of success come from combining various back-friendly aids, such as the lifting tables described above, with behavioural training and possibly also muscular training. This reduces the problems of the individual worker together with the sick leave levels. The employees will be more motivated. This should also be in the interests of every employer. Aids such as lifting tables and mobile lift systems reduce the strain during installation work and/or when handling heavy parts, pallets, crates or other transport equipment in the workplace. This applies particularly to installation workplaces where strains come not only from the weight of the parts but also from the continuous movement patterns. Mobile lift systems lift, tilt, shake, turn, lower, grip, move and swivel loads, thus fostering ergonomic work processes.

    Sinnvoll sind ergänzende Maßnahmen, wie qualifizierte Beratung des Einzelnen durch Arbeitsplatzspezialisten, wie z. B. Arbeitsmediziner, Krankengymnasten, Rückenschullehrer etc., mit dem Ziel, das rückengerechte Verhalten (z. B. die Vermittlung von richtigen Hebe- und Tragetechniken) des Einzelnen zu optimieren.

    Grundsätzlich gilt: Die Kombination aus rückengerechten Hilfsmitteln, also z. B. den oben genannten Hubtischen, mit Verhaltens- und gegebenenfalls auch Muskeltraining, garantiert den größten Erfolg. Die Probleme des Einzelnen reduzieren sich, ebenso wie der Krankenstand. Die Motivation der Mitarbeiter steigt. Das sollte auch im Interesse jeden Arbeitgebers liegen. Hilfsmittel, wie Hubtische und Mobilliftsysteme, mindern die Beanspruchung bei Montagearbeiten und/oder beim Umgang mit schweren Teilen, Paletten, Gitterboxen oder sonstigen Transportbehältern am Arbeitsplatz. Das gilt insbesondere für Montagearbeitsplätze, an denen nicht nur das Teilegewicht belastet, sondern auch dauerhafte Bewegungsabläufe. Mobilliftsysteme übernehmen das Heben, Kippen, Schütten, Drehen, Senken, Greifen, Fahren und Schwenken von Lasten und fördern somit ergonomische Arbeitsabläufe.


    Lifting tables

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