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A special award for your
specialist shop

Make your consulting expertise visible, set yourself apart from the competition and secure a truly unique selling point! Over 400 specialist shops already rely on the AGR specialist retail certification - when will you join them?

Get certified as an AGR-certified specialist shop now!

For 30 years, we have been working together with sufferers, doctors and therapists, manufacturers of back-friendly products, medical associations and specialist retailers to enable people to live their lives free from back pain. An important component here is the competent advice provided by the salesperson on site. What do users need to look out for when buying everyday items that relieve or prevent back pain? How do differences in quality become apparent? Interested parties should obtain answers through competent advice before making a purchase.

Award for the best specialist shops

The AGR specialist retail certification is designed to help consumers find specialist shops that not only offer excellent advice, but also products with the AGR seal of approval.

A salesperson who has successfully completed the AGR specialist retailer training course, products with the AGR seal of approval in your specialist shop and good product knowledge are the prerequisites for specialist retailer certification. For first-time certification, one or more salespeople take part in the specialised trade course (online training). Participants are taught the anatomical basics of the functions of the spine, the tasks and structure of the muscles, etc. They also receive comprehensive information on "back-friendly everyday life". In subsequent years, renewed participation in the specialised trade course is then possible, but not a prerequisite.

As a certified specialist shop, we make your special advisory expertise clearly visible to the consumer. Thousands of doctors and therapists from the AGR network recommend that their patients seek advice from a certified specialist shop. This creates trust and brings new customers to your speciality shop.

<img src="…" alt="Ein Mann überreicht einem anderen Mann eine Urkunde für ein zertifiziertes Fachgeschäft">

Contact person
Marian Schmidt
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Are you interested in the
AGR specialist retailer?
Then please fill in our form.
We will contact you and advise you free
of charge and without obligation.

The certification at a glance


At least one AGR-trained consultant on site (refresher training required every 5 years).

AGR-tested products in specialised shops.

Excellent product knowledge.

Duration, scope & times

Self-study with free time management.

No attendance times.

Teaching material

Once you have registered, you will receive access data for the AGR online portal by e-mail. In addition to the course content, you will also find the exam questions there.

Your specialist retailer certification

After successful participation you will receive your certificate and the door label by post from us. We also provide you with a comprehensive Marketing package with which you can make your special consulting expertise clearly visible.

How to use the specialised trade certification

The AGR specialist trade certification is a helpful unique selling point to set your company apart from the competition. As part of the certification process, we provide you with a comprehensive marketing package. You can find an overview in the "Advantage programme" flyer. You also have the option of ordering the aids via our order form.

<img src="…" alt="Eine steht neben einem Rollup mit Werbung für ein zertifiziertes Fachgeschäft.">

Cartification, Doorplate, Logo

<img src="…" alt="Eine steht neben einem Rollup mit Werbung für ein zertifiziertes Fachgeschäft.">

Eigene Seite in der Online-Fachhändlersuche

<img src="…" alt="Eine steht neben einem Rollup mit Werbung für ein zertifiziertes Fachgeschäft.">

Posters, Seal of approval information signs, Table displays, Roll-Ups, Beachflags

<img src="…" alt="Eine steht neben einem Rollup mit Werbung für ein zertifiziertes Fachgeschäft.">

→ Rückenwelt
only in German!

<img src="…" alt="Eine steht neben einem Rollup mit Werbung für ein zertifiziertes Fachgeschäft.">

→ Online Seminars
only in German!

<img src="…" alt="Eine steht neben einem Rollup mit Werbung für ein zertifiziertes Fachgeschäft.">

→ Brochures for free
only in German!

<img src="…" alt="Eine steht neben einem Rollup mit Werbung für ein zertifiziertes Fachgeschäft.">

→ Experts Podcast
only in German!

Voices on specialist retail certification

Burkhard Nolten
Bettenstudio Burkhard Nolten
Essen, Germany

As the owners of two specialist shops that focus primarily on the topics of "healthy sleep" and "ergonomic sitting and working", we have been a partner of AGR e. V. from the very beginning. Through the certifications, we achieve a greater increase in expertise for our customers and trust in the products and in the dealers is increased enormously. We have always appreciated the very personal, trusting and competent cooperation with the AGR e.V. If the AGR did not already exist, it would have to be invented.

Angelika Zurell
Zurell Guten Tag. Gute Nacht.
Karlsruhe, Germany

We have been involved since 2005. What I particularly appreciate about the course is the clear statements on orthopaedics and the fact that I can rely on the expert contributions. For me, security in consulting is the be-all and end-all in sales. The certificate is highly valued by my customers. An additional advantage: As AGR advertises exactly my target group, customers in the wider area also become aware of me, which is of course great.

Martin Winzer
Berlin, Germany

The employees of sitz-art regularly take part in the online training courses organised by Aktion Gesunder Rücken (AGR) e.V.. The Healthy Back Campaign qualifies our sales staff every year, thus ensuring the professional and personal qualifications of every sitz-art employee. These qualifications and AGR as an established brand in turn form the basis for the success of our customised ergonomics advice.

Guido Kurth
GK Bürodesign
Kempten, Germany

What I think is great about the AGR training is that the specialised trade is trained on the subject of ergonomics and is qualified with the certificate to advise customers on ergonomic issues.

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