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Laptop stands

Work without back pain by using the right laptop stand

Laptops are very popular – over 4 million of them are sold every year. They are practical, versatile, and can be used nearly anywhere. However, one problem is that using the small computer every day for hours on end can often stress your neck. This is because we almost automatically lower our line of sight and sit down in an increasingly crooked posture, with our eyes way too close to the screen. This stressful posture is virtually impossible to avoid without some tools, and it often doesn’t take long for our body to cry for help.

Are you a laptop owner facing this issue as well? Then the right laptop stand with the right PC input devices such as keyboard and mouse may also be the solution for you.

The problem: Tech neck

You fold it open, turn it on, and type away. Laptops can make our day-to-day work significantly easier, but they have a very crucial ergonomic drawback: The screen and keyboard are attached to each other, which makes them far less flexible than a desktop computer. This is why a disproportionate number of laptop users also complain about stiff neck muscles. Furthermore, the mostly curved posture shortens your chest and belly muscles, quickly leading to what is colloquially known as “tech neck”. The result – not just neck pain but also pain down to your lower back, and headaches are also among the known symptoms. So, what do you do if you want to work trouble-free on your laptop? The solution: A laptop stand tailored to the task at hand.

A proper posture, please

The most important aspect is the ability to adjust the height of the monitor to your work and thereby improve your viewing angle. Ideally, you want to have your eyes about an arm’s length away from the screen, and the viewing angle towards the screen should be slightly lowered. However, using a laptop stand always entails using an external mouse and keyboard as well. Otherwise, working ergonomically on the laptop is hardly practical without these PC input devices. But together they increase versatility and help you make important changes to your posture when doing seated work.

A laptop needs a complementary laptop stand

Naturally, laptop stand stability is very important for your work, since nothing is more annoying than a wobbly screen. So make sure that the desired model is also right for your device. Not every laptop fits in every stand, which is why manufacturers usually offer different sizes and versions. An ideal laptop stand is versatile, folds into a small size, and makes a good travel companion as well.

What else should I keep in mind?

From a technical standpoint, make sure that the moving parts are durable, and that the stand can be quickly and easily set up and is easy to carry with you.

Anyone who has ever worked with a laptop on their lap knows that they give off a lot of heat. To properly ventilate the computer, make sure that the laptop stand does not block heat dissipation.


Minimum requirements

  • Simple, self-explanatory setup
  • Optimised laptop positioning
  • Stability
  • Good heat dissipation
  • Free of harmful materials
  • Clear and understandable usage instructions

Also appropriate

  • Mobile usability
  • Document holder functionality
  • Suitable for tablets

Products in this sector with the AGR seal of approval

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