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Whether at home, on the road or at work: every day we use products that make our lives easier or more beautiful. But do these products also make your back easier? Discover all back friendly products with the "AGR- seal of approval" of the Healthy Back Campaign. Just click through - you will be surprised!

Bed systems in hotels

Hotel beds that your back will look forward to

Many travellers and holidaymakers know the problem: trying to sleep in a strange hotel bed. Rarely will a back-friendly solution be offered. In a global study, 68 % of the German respondents said they would gladly take a detour and even pay more for a hotel room if this means they can enjoy the comfort of a really good bed.

Hoteliers pay more attention to ambience, design, adequacy and above all price when it comes to selecting beds. In fact, this is hard to understand, because for the hotel guest, the bed stands for restorative sleep and regeneration. This is why the quality of hotel beds needs to be improved in line with ultra advanced bed technology available today.

The criteria already explained under beds also apply to the spring base and to the mattress. However, concessions will have to be made in terms of individual mattress selection, as hotel beds are used by a constantly changing stream of visitors.

Not only the spring base and mattress are important

Furthermore, it is important for hotel beds to be made of ecologically compatible materials. A bed should be at least 45 cm high to make it easier to get into and out of the bed.

Neither should the position of the head be neglected. A range of different pillows will give the hotel guest additional benefit.

Hotel beds should not weigh more than 35 kg so that they are easily handled and moved around, to prevent excessive back strain for the hotel's cleaning staff.

Back-friendly furnishings and features

Paying guests and in particular business travellers who frequently have to stay in hotels are not only entitled to a pleasant atmosphere and appropriate comfort but also to back-friendly furnishings and features in the interest of their health. Here, the AGR e. V. has developed corresponding minimum standards that ought to be fulfilled by a hotel. In addition to back-friendly bed systems and pillows, this also includes ergonomic seating furniture in the room and various aids such as a shoehorn. Ergonomic bicycles for hire and back-friendly equipment in seminar rooms are also recommended. Wherever possible, guests should be encouraged to stand from time to time; standing desks, for example, can help with this. When redesigning the hotel, it is also a good idea to adapt the sanitary facilities, for example in the form of a low shower entrance and a raised toilet.


Basically the same criteria apply as already stated for bed systems (apart from individual choice of mattress).

Also appropriate

  • Ecologically compatible materials
  • Various different pillows for individual positioning of the body
  • Minimum bed height of 45 cm
  • Low total weight for easy handling (back-friendly for cleaning staff)

Products in this sector with the AGR seal of approval


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