Find guidance for a life with better back health:
With the expertise of professional associations and
ergonomic knowledge from 25 years of association work.
The AGR seal of quality exclusively distinguishes products and concepts that have proven their back-friendly design and construction to an independent testing committee with experts from various specialist medical areas. The listed products have fulfilled the rigorous medical testing criteria of the Aktion Gesunder Rücken (AGR, Campaign for healthier backs) e. V.* and thereby provenly contribute towards avoiding possible health impairments. The AGR seal of quality was assessed by ÖKO-TEST (ECO Test) with the rating "very good" and was distinguished by Label-online – a portal of the National Association "Die Verbraucher Initiative e.V. (The consumer initiative)" – with the best rating "highly recommendable". Label-online is being continuously extended, restructured and further developed by the Federal Ministry for the Environment, the Federal Environmental Agency and the Federal Ministry for Food and Agriculture (BMEL). A further substantiation for the trustworthiness of this quality seal, which exclusively labels ergonomically proven quality!
*Tested and recommended by the forum: Gesunder Rücken – besser leben e. V. (Healthy back - live better) and the Bundesverband deutscher Rückenschulen (BdR) e. V. (National Association of German back schools)
Back-friendly sitting-standing solutions at the industrial workplace
Industrial workplace chairs
Dauphin HumanDesign® Group GmbH & Co. KG
Espanstraße 36
91238 Offenhausen
Tel. +49 9158/17 700
Fax +49 9158/17 701
They are the backbone of the economy, the guarantor of our prosperity and our success: many people work in an industrial workplace. Such an area of activity presents a special challenge in the field of ergonomics.
A well thought-out concept ensures physical health, mental freshness and, last but not least, social satisfaction.
3. The ergonomic features of
industrial workplaces include