Campaign for healthy children's backs

How environments and spaces promote the development of children and young people is the focus of the campaign for healthy children's backs. It is based on the long term cooperation between the „Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft für Haltungs- und Bewegungsförderung e. V. (BAG)” and the “Aktion Gesunder Rücken”. Thereby, the focus liesnot only "just" on the back, but all aspects which consider highly complex and interwoven physical, mental and psychological maturation processes.

The mission of the campaign for healthy children's backs is to enable children and young people to grow up, live and develop under conditions that enable them to lead a healthy lifestyle as especially the developing organism reacts sensitively to its appropriate living environment.

For the campaign for healthy children's backs, incentives for movement and ergonomic conditions which are tailored to the physiological requirements of children are the basic prerequisite for healthy physical and mental development. On one hand, the campaign for healthy children's backs provides information to educators, teachers, parents and medical and therapeutic staff. On the other hand, it wants to sensitise the industry for healthy development processes of children and young people. Thus, the departments in which products are developed are able to implement elementary requirements for conditions that promote the development of children. The quality requirements defined in the following are an important orientation aid for decision-makers.

Please check the following pages to learn more about the campaign for healthy children's back: