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Whether at home, on the road or at work: every day we use products that make our lives easier or more beautiful. But do these products also make your back easier? Discover all back friendly products with the "AGR- seal of approval" of the Healthy Back Campaign. Just click through - you will be surprised!

Treatment of the fasciae

Aids for self fascial massage

For a long time, tense muscles were seen as one of the main causes of backache. To a certain extent, this is also true. But sometimes it's worth taking a closer look, because it is also possible for the fascial tissues to be responsible when pain in the back becomes unpleasantly noticeable. Here self massage or what experts call "self myofascial release" can help. Special aids can be used to release adhered layers of connective tissue, loosen up hardened points and stretch shortened tissue.

The fasciae are thick, taut skins made of connective tissue which are 0.3 to 3 mm long, with the lumbar fasciae being up to 15 mm. They cover and connect our muscles, bones and organs and form a three-dimensional network. This network gives shape to the body. Without it, the body would fall apart. But the fasciae are also rather susceptible. Stress, too much sitting and incorrect body posture have negative impacts on the structure of the network, causing chronic tension and muscle pain.

Robust, dimensionally stable and variable in use

An aid for self massage of the muscles therefore has to fulfil certain prerequisites. It must be fairly robust and above all dimensionally stable, because at times it has to take the whole bodyweight. It should be possible to treat all externally accessible muscle groups in the locomotor system.

It is important to perform rolling movements in at least two directions; this can be done alone or also with a partner. Some parts of the body are more sensitive, so that it helps to be able to exert differing pressure and to have the possibility of different self massage variations.

The handling and massage descriptions must be so detailed that people with little knowledge of anatomy can use the aid. Ideally, self massage should be possible alone, without a partner.


  • They are fairly robust and above all dimensionally stable, because sometimes they have to take the whole bodyweight.
  • It should be possible to treat all externally accessible muscle groups in the locomotor system. It is important to perform rolling movements in at least two directions; this can be done alone or also with a partner. Aids in differing shapes can also be beneficial.
  • Some parts of the body are more sensitive, so that it helps to be able to exert differing pressure and to have the possibility of different self massage variations, e.g. when lying down or standing against the wall.
  • The aids should be lightweight and easy to clean. In view of the fact that they are usually used directly on the body and thus on the skin, it should also be possible to disinfect them as well as just cleaning with water.
  • The handling and massage descriptions must be so detailed that people with little knowledge of anatomy can use the aid. Ideally it should be possible to use them without needing a partner.

Minimum requirements

  • Dimensionally stable, robust, abrasion-proof, insoluble in water and easy to clean or suitable for disinfection
  • Physiologically suitable for all externally accessible muscle groups in the locomotor system
  • Should permit controlled rolling movements in at least two directions
  • Suitable for use in differing initial positions, e.g. lying down, standing against the wall
  • Detailed handling and massage description should be availabler

Also appropriate


  • Available in differing degrees of hardness



Products in this sector with the AGR seal of approval


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Self myofascial release

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