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Whether at home, on the road or at work: every day we use products that make our lives easier or more beautiful. But do these products also make your back easier? Discover all back friendly products with the "AGR- seal of approval" of the Healthy Back Campaign. Just click through - you will be surprised!

Grass trimmer (electric/rechargeable battery)

Lawn trimmers

If you have a garden, you don’t need to go to the gym or on holiday. Is there really any truth in that statement, though? While the part about going on holiday is up for debate, there’s a lot of truth in not needing to go to the gym! Gardening can be the perfect back workout, since it is very varied – and getting exercise in the fresh air isn’t just good for your body, but also for your mind too. But you should be sure to use tools that make gardening easier so that it doesn’t become a pain.
Nowadays, maintaining even large gardens is an absolute breeze thanks to modern lawn mowers or robotic mowers. But what about those green spaces that these lawn mowers can’t reach? There are lawn trimmers and cordless strimmers designed exactly for this purpose! They can handle even hard-to-reach areas with ease. What makes this so advantageous for you is that you no longer need to stoop down or get down on your knees to do the work – which is particularly good for your back! Lawn trimmers can also be hugely helpful along the edges of paths or on paved areas.

Relieve the strain on your shoulders, arms and wrists

To ensure that gardening is a painless experience for you, you should be sure to use a back-friendly handling method to take the strain off your shoulders, arms and wrists. The difference is particularly noticeable when you use gardening tools for long periods of time. It is important that you hold lawn trimmers close to your body during use. Changing the position of your arms also helps to avoid monotonous postures. A powerful rechargeable battery gives you cordless freedom in every corner of your garden. Not only does this grant you maximum flexibility; it makes work much quicker and easier too.

Adjustment is key

Lighter grass trimmers (up to approx. 3 kg) are available and should enable comfortable, well-balanced working. A second adjustable handle or another practical solution can support this. Larger grass trimmers, however, tend to weigh more. With such trimmers, it is helpful if you don’t have to carry the load using your arms alone, but can also transfer it to your shoulders with e.g. the help of an adjustable, padded harness.
If this is the case, make sure that the harness, the handle and the position of the shoulder straps can be adjusted to suit your needs.


Of course, operation itself is key too. It is a prerequisite for ensuring that all of the settings can be made easily and intuitively. Both right- and left-handed users must be able to reach all of the switches easily and safely. A secure hand position on the lawn trimmer is ensured through the likes of rubberised grip surfaces. Even if your hands get a little sweaty on hot days, you should have everything safely under control.
Another tip for all plant lovers: it is recommended that your future lawn trimmer has a plant guard too. So you can rest assured that the tool will stay a safe distance from all the flowers you’d still like to enjoy.




  • It should be possible to individually adjust the grass trimmer to different body heights by means of a second adjustable handle, a padded shoulder strap (harness) or another technical solution.
  • Handles must be non-slip and also adjustable to individual needs so that they facilitate natural handling.
  • The carry strap and handles should be positioned so that the lawn trimmer is well balanced. This prevents one-sided loading.
  • A relatively low weight makes handling easier, especially when you need to work in larger areas. It is advisable to move the lawn trimmer for a few minutes in the working position before making a purchase.
  • Before buying, you should also check whether the tool’s operation and settings meet your expectations and whether the tool supports changing working postures.

Minimum requirements

  • Adjustable for people of different heights
  •  Fatigue-free working in an upright posture
  •  Physiological handling must be ensured, e.g. by means of:
       o ergonomic shape and adjustable handles
       o rubberised grip surfaces
       o adjustable shoulder strap
       o optimum balancing
       o low dead weight
       o wearing close to the body
  •  All of the controls must be easy to use.


Products in this sector with the AGR seal of approval





Einhell UK Limited
First Floor, Unit 10
Champions Business Park
Arrowe Brook Road
CH49 0AB Wirral
Phone 0151 649 1500


Trimming the grass without bending your back

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